Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Third Filming Shoot - Short Film Production

Third Filming Shoot - Short Film Production

We have now completed the third day of shooting our short film. This shoot went very well and this means that we only have one more filming shoot to complete.

Success Factors:

Here is a list of the success factors of the shoot:
  • We managed to get all the shots that we planned to shoot, shot today. This means that we have completed scene 3 and 5 today which leaves scene 4, 6 and 8 for the final shoot. 
  • We adjusted the white balance for every change in lighting condition or any change in location. This will give the final product a better overall look because the moving image will not look yellowy.
  • We shot most of the shot multiple times so that we can have enough footage in the post-production stage of the short film production.
  • We used an external sound recorder to record some foley sounds like the kicking of a football and some footstep sounds. Also, we used it to pick up some dialogue between the two characters.

Problems during the shoot:

Here is a list of some problems that we had to solve during the shoot:
  • Filming the part of the third scene where the protagonist walks along the middle of a road proved to be very difficult. This was because cars kept coming and using the road. This meant that we had to be very patient whilst waiting for enough time to set up and get the shot. In the end, we managed to get each of the shots.
  • Filming in the woods also proved to be tricky because there were a lot of dog walkers and children walking in the woods and making noise. This meant that it took a long time to get each shot because we would have to wait for the people to move out of the frame. This was not a major issue it just delayed our filming meaning it too longer to get each shot.
  • Also, during the shoot, we had some issues with lighting. Firstly, when filming on the field the sunny was behind the protagonist which meant that the camera was pointed directly at the sun. This meant we had to adjust the camera angles to avoid the sun being in the shot because it caused a lot of over exposure. Secondly, in the woods we had the issue of ever exposure again which meant that we had to manually control the camera settings like exposure to make the image look correct.
Overall, the shoot went well and we got the shots we needed to. However, we forgot to take the picture for the poster which means that we will have to go back to the woods location and do it again in the next filming shoot. 

Pictures of us filming:

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