Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Second Filming Shoot - Short Film Production

Second Filming Shoot - Short Film Production

We have now completed the second day of shooting our short film. This shoot went very well as we were able to complete all the shots that we planned to get.

Success Factors of the shoot:

Here is a list of the success factors of the second day of shooting our short film:

  • We managed to get 11 shots of the short film filmed. This meant that we have now completed filming scene 1, 2 and 7 of the short film.
  • We shot most of the shot multiple times with slight variations. This decreases the chance of having to go back and re-shoot any of the shots.
  • We made sure to set the white balance for every change in location or any change in lighting situation. This means that we will not end up with shots that look very yellow instead of looking how they should. 
  • Made sure to light our shots properly so that they didn't look grainy. This was especially important because in this filming shoot we were filming inside which means that there was less natural light than normal. Therefore, we had to use external lights to properly light each shot.
  • Also, we made sure to keep to the continuity editing techniques. At one point during the shot, we were setting up a shot where the two characters were sitting down and playing video games together. Then we realised that they way we were going to set up the next shot would have broken the 180-degree rule. Therefore, we made sure to adjust the shot so that it didn't break the rule.
  • We used an external sound recorder to record some foley sounds and some dialogue between the two characters. This is good because it means in post-production we will be able to have more control over the volume of these sounds.
Overall, the shoot went very well because we didn;t have any issues while filming and we managed to film all the shots that we needed to. This is good because we are not on schedule to finish filming by the end of half term which gives us plenty of time to edit the short film. 

Pictures of us filming:

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