Shot List For the Short Film - Pre-Production Planning
We have created a shot list which is a description of every single shot that will be in the final product. From this list, we will create the storyboard which is a drawn out version of the shot list. Here is the shot list:- Extreme long shot of the field with the protagonist and the friend walking towards the camera. The protagonist is carrying the football. Jump cuts in this shot as they walk to show time passing. The film title appears during this shot 'Me Myself and I' as an overlay over the shot. (10 seconds)
- Close-up on the ground as the protagonist's feet come into the frame. He stops and then drops the ball and catches it with his foot. (2 seconds)
- OTS over the shoulder of the protagonist looking at the friend as the protagonist kicks the ball. (4 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up on the friend's foot as he gets the ball (match on action) (1 second)
- Cut to a mid-shot of the lower half of the friend's body as he kicks the ball back to the protagonist then a fade to black. (3 seconds)
- Fade from black to a long shot that is filmed behind a tree. The protagonist and the friend walk past the camera with one of them holding the ball. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a mid shot that pans to follow them walking. the pan stops as they continue to walk. There is a wipe with the transition line following the characters. (3 seconds)
- Eye level close-up with the protagonist and the friend walking towards the camera with a happy facial expression. (1 second)
- Fade from black to a close-up of the protagonist putting a disc into a gaming console. (3 seconds)
- Cut to a mid shot of the protagonist and the friend sitting down as they begin to play the game. (2 seconds)
- Cut to an OTS over the protagonist's shoulder towards the screen showing the enjoyment of the game. (1 second)
- Cut to a mid shot pan showing the two characters enjoying the game. (3 seconds)
- Fade from black to a mid shot of the protagonist from the side. The protagonist is sitting at the computer (5 seconds)
- Cut to an OTS over the protagonist's shoulder looking at the computer screen as he scrolls through the news. (3 seconds)
- Cut to an extreme close-up on the mouse of the computer. As the protagonist is scrolling. (1 second)
- Cut to a mid-long shot from directly behind the protagonist showing barely anything in the frame to represent his lonliness. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a pov shot from the protagonist's perspective. This is as the protagonist clicks on an article where a young adult was found dead at the scene. The web page will show a picture of the friend so that it is clear to the audience that it was the friend character that is dead. (3 seconds)
- Cut to a mid shot of the protagonist from the side as he puts his head into his hands. Same as shot 13. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up on the protagonist's face showing a sad and upset facial expression. In this shot we see the protagonist lift his head from his hands and looks directly at the camera because it is where the computer monitor is. Then there is a fade out to black. (3 seconds)
- Fade from black to a close-up on the protagonist's face. He had a sad facial expression. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up on his feet as he drops a football and catches it with his foot. (1 second)
- Cut to a mid shot of the lower half of the protagonist from the side as he starts to kick the football. (2 seconds)
- Cut to an extreme long shot of the protagonist from the side of the protagonist showing that there is no one around him. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up on the wall when the ball bounces off it. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a long shot of the protagonist as he revises the ball. (1 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up showing the facial expression of the protagonist which is very sad. (1 second)
- Extreme long shot of the protagonist as he walks across the field towards the camera. He is carrying the football in his hand. There are jump cuts to show how long it takes to walk across the field. (5 seconds)
- Cut to a long shot from behind the protagonist as he walks in the middle of the Bridge Road. (3 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up of the protagonist's facial expression as he walks showing sadness. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a mid shot which is a pan camera movement that follows the protagonist's feet as he walks. (4 seconds)
- Cut to a long shot low angle of the protagonist walking towards the camera. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a side on close-up of the protagonist's facial expression showing that he is sad. He walks through the frame. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a mid shot that turns into a close-up as the protagonist walks towards the camera. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a long shot of the protagonist from the bottom of the garden looking up at the protagonist. He is just staring down at the ground. There should be almost nothing behind him to show the emptiness of his life. (5 seconds)
- Cut to an OTS over the shoulder of the protagonist. The shot shows the ground that the protagonist is looking at. The focus will start on the ground and then there will be a focus pull to put the focus on the protagonist's shoulder. (5 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up on the protagonist's facial expression. His facial expression shows that he is very sad. He continues to look at the floor instead of looking at the camera. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a long shot from the side of the protagonist. The protagonist continues to stare at the ground. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a mid shot from the side of the protagonist as he starts to look up at the sky. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a POV shot from the protagonist's perspective. The camera tilts upwards from the ground to the sky to represent that the protagonist is looking for his friend. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a long shot of the protagonist from the bottom of the garden looking up at him. He is starting at the sky. Fade out to black from this shot. (2 seconds)
- Fade from black to show the protagonist as he walks through the woods as we have seen him do before. He is wearing a dark coloured costume. There is an extreme long shot with the protagonist walking straight towards the camera. The camera will be placed slightly above the protagonist to represent the audience looking down on the protagonist. (10 seconds)
- Cut to a mid shot of the protagonist walking away from the camera. As he is walking away from the camera the shot becomes a mid-long shot showing that nobody is around. (5 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up to show the protagonist's facial expression. He is very sad and seems almost lost. (3 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up on the ground. There are diegetic footstep sounds that are off-screen to create enigma. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a pan extreme long shot showing the protagonist walking to show that there is no one around the protagonist. (4 seconds)
- Cut back to shot 44 which is a close-up on the ground. We can still hear the footsteps and they are getting louder. Then just before the cut to the next shot a foot comes into frame and hit the ground. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a mid shot from the front of the protagonist as he continues to walk and look sad. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a POV shot from the protagonist's perspective as his (dead) friend comes into frame. (3 seconds)
- Cut to a long shot from the side of the two characters as they walk closer to each other. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a POV shot from the protagonist perspective. Tilt the camera upwards to get a better view of the friend. (2 seconds).
- Cut to a mid shot from the side showing them getting closer together. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up of the protagonist as he lifts his head, nods and says 'hi' then returns to his sad facial expression.
- Cut to a close-up of the friend as he does the same as what the protagonist did in the previous shot. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a long shot from the side as the two characters walk past each other. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a long shot from the front of the protagonist as the protagonist walks towards the camera and the friend walks away from the camera. In this shot, the audience can see the friend start to fade away. (7 seconds)
- Cut to a long shot from the side of the protagonist as his stops in the middle of the frame. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up on the protagonist's face as his facial expression shows confusion. He says quietly "wait". Then he looks to his left and right then he looks behind. As he looks behind there is a cut to the next shot. (3 seconds)
- Long shot from the front of the protagonist as he looks behind. This shows the audience that no one is there. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a mid shot from behind showing the protagonist quickly walking off. (3 seconds)
- Cut to a long shot of the protagonist as he walks into his room. There is a pan to follow him around the room. (5 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up on the chair as he sits down. As he sits down there is a cut to the next shot. (1 second)
- A close-up on his face showing his facial expression which is no longer sad instead it is serious and shows determination. (3 seconds)
- Cut to an OTS over the shoulder of the protagonist as he logs into Facebook. (1 seconds)
- Cut to a mid shot from the side of the protagonist as he is looking at the monitor. Then there is a diegetic ping sound to show he has gotten a message. (4 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up of the protagonist's facial expression showing that he is happy. (3 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up on the monitor as he starts to type a message back to the person. (4 seconds)
- Cut to a long shot from behind the protagonist as he gets another message. (3 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up on the mouse as he moves it then clicks. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a POV shot showing the keyboard as he types back. Then there is an upwards tilt to show the monitor as he sends the message. (4 seconds)
- Dissolve transition to show time passing. This shot is a close-up on a new message saying "want to meet??". (2 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up on his facial expression showing happiness. Then there is the diegetic sound of keys typing. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up on the monitor showing the protagonist saying "where??". (3 seconds)
- Cut to an extreme close-up on the message that says "the bridge near the woods!!". There is a slow zoom in and then there is a fade to black. (3 seconds)
- Fade from black to an extreme long shot of the bridge as the protagonist walks onto it. The protagonist stops in the middle of the bridge and leans up against the wall. (10 seconds)
- Cut to a mid shot in front of the protagonist as he leans up against the wall. He has a happy facial expression, but, he keeps checking his phone for the time. (8 seconds)
- Cut to a POV shot that starts by looking forward. Then there is a tilt downwards to show the time on his phone. Then there is a tilt upwards and a pan both left and right. (4 seconds)
- Dissolve to a mid shot from the side of the protagonist as he is sitting on the floor. He continues to check his phone. (6 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up on the protagonist's face showing a serious and sad facial expression.
- Fade from black to an extreme long shot. This shows the protagonist as he walks along the pavement of a road. This is shot from the other side of the road. Pan camera movement follows the protagonist. (15 seconds)
- Cut to a mid shot of the protagonist from the side. He walks closer to the edge of the slowly. (5 seconds)
- Cut to a POV shot from the protagonist's perspective. There is a slow pan left and right showing the road. (10 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up on the protagonist's face showing that his ominous. During this shot, the characters eyes are looking left and right. (10 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up on the curb with the protagonist's feet overhanging the curb. (10 seconds)
- Cut to a long shot of the protagonist from the other side of the road. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a mid shot of the lower half of the ominous's body from the side. Then pan up to the upper half of his body. (4 seconds)
- Cut to a POV from the protagonist'ss perspective looking down at the ground. (2 seconds)
- Cut to a close-up of the protagonist's face showing he is content. Finish with a cut to black. (2 seconds)
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