The Gravediggers son
The Gravediggers son is a gothic horror by Jake Yard about a gravedigger in poverty who is struggling to make ends meet for his son. Unable to do so he resorts to grave robbing which leads to "haunting consequences."
MRANG concepts
- Genre
- Representation- Audience
- The title of this short film is prominent as it makes you assume the character underneath it is the gravedigger. This is useful to the audience so they have some insight to the short film.
- The director of this short film is clear at the top of this poster, this infers that he has made other short films which possibly means people may want to watch this as it was directed by him.
- In the lower part of the poster, we can see the awards that it has. This may make people more likely to watch it as it infers the short film is worth watching.
The Genre of this short film is likely thriller or horror. This is because of the image used in the poster. As it has quite a dark theme it connotes a dark theme within the short film which suggests it could be a horror. It could also be a Thriller because of the dark theme. However, it could also partially be social realism, this is because it is mainly about a farther trying to care for his son.Representation
In this short film, the representation of the gravedigger is that he is working class. This is because of his profession, grave digging, which is unskilled labour inferring he is not paid very much. From this poster, we could also infer that the gravedigger has a dark personality. This is because he is surrounded by darkness possibly reflecting his personality.
The audience this poster would attract is an older audience. This is because is has a deep story line behind it of parent hood for the poor which older audiences who have children could relate to. However, it may appeal to young adults because it has a certain mystery behind it due to dark lighting and the use of the back ground image complementing it.
The structure of the poster is in portrait, this is so we can get a full body shot of, what we can assume, is a character from the short film with the title, awards and billing block all clearly visible for potential audiences.
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